The attached images show the FITS header for PI created master dark
You are comparing very different FITS files. One of them (the FITS file with the largest header) is a single dark frame. Of course a dark frame has a number of FITS header keywords to describe acquisition time and conditions, CCD parameters, etc. You are comparing this with the integration of several dark frames, that is, a master dark frame. For example, if you integrate 20 dark frames into your master, then 20 FITS headers should be concatenated in order to preserve the whole original information of the 20 integrated files. Yes, this could be done, and I can modify the ImageIntegration process to do that (as an option). We don't do that because we think it's a waste of space, considering the fact that in PixInsight you can (should) create and save an ImageIntegration process icon where the 20 files are referenced, along with all of the integration parameters used, in a much more efficient way. The same happens with the master flat that you have generated in PixInsight: it is the integration of several flat frames and hence it has no relevant FITS header information for the same reason.
That said, it is true that the ImageIntegration process should save important information to FITS headers, such as clipping statistics, noise estimates, etc. I confess I haven't paid too much attention (or the required attention) to this task, knowing that we'll have a much more capable file format in relatively short time. I'll fix this problem in the next version though.
it seems that until it can at least do everything from acquiring the data to all processes there should be some conformity to what the other programs support.
Soon you'll be able to acquire data with PixInsight (See
the work of David Raphael). In the meanwhile, you can acquire the data with other applications and import it into PixInsight without any problem. Hundreds of users do that. Just make sure that all of your raw data are stored in 16-bit unsigned integer format, which is the native format of your CCD camera.
On the other hand, you can calibrate, register and integrate (stack) your images in PixInsight. Our calibration processes involve some manual work, which in the case of CCD images is really easy to carry out: addition, we now have a very nice calibration pipeline script that works really well, written by John Brown: script is currently under development. When I have a bit of time I'll help John and hopefully we'll have a first release version soon. We are really excited with this pipeline script.
Along with excellent calibration routines, I honestly think our image registration tools (StarAlignment and DynamicAlignment) are also excellent, as well as our ImageIntegration tool.
If you still want to calibrate, register and integrate your images with other applications, then you should ask the author(s) of the other applications how they write 32-bit floating point images. In particular, you need to know the numeric range to which pixel values are referred (the black and white points). Once you know that values, you can enter them in the FITS Format Preferences dialog and PI will read those images without flaws.
For example, 32-bit floating point images preprocessed with DeepSkyStacker (excellent application) can be loaded in PixInsight without any problems. This happens because DeepSkyStacker writes floating point TIFF images in the [0,1] range.
In a previous post I have explained an optimal solution for blooming removal based on observational techniques (shorter exposures to replace bloomings with real data selectively with a mask). Anyway, if you want to use a software-based deblooming tool with Maxim, it isn't so difficult:
- Save your image as a 16-bit unsigned integer FITS file in PixInsight.
- Open it with Maxim. There should be no problems.
- Use the dblooming tool.
- Save it as a 16-bit unsigned integer FITS file in Maxim.
- Open it in PixInsight.
If the 32-bit -> 16-bit downgrading is a concern, then you can build a mask to isolate your bloomings in the 32-bit original image and replace them with pixels from the debloomed 16-bit image. This will leave your 32-bit data intact (the blooming replacement data are synthetic, so you aren't getting true signal on blooming areas). If you want you can upload a 32-bit PixInsight image with bloomings and a 16-bit debloomed image, and I'll explain you how to build the mask.
A last note about FITS. FITS files generated by PixInsight are fully compliant with the FITS standard. So any FITS-capable application should be able to open and read them without problems. When you open a FITS image with PixInsight and then save it in FITS format again, the whole original metadata (the entire set of FITS header keywords) is always fully preserved. The same is true after calibration. However, when you integrate a set of images with PixInsight, we don't include the FITS headers of all the source frames because we consider that we provide more efficient features to keep the relevant data. Anyway, as noted above I am conscious that we can improve this aspect of the ImageIntegration process, and we'll do. However, don't expect that PixInsight will ever try to reproduce private —and nonstandard— FITS keywords used by other applications. In the same way the other applications will never try to reproduce our private keywords. That is logical. The problem is not in the applications, but in the characteristics and limitations of the FITS format.
Now another new format is being discussed that will show up in the near future, relatively speaking, and unless it has a great deal more to offer that already exists, why would any other program want to support it if the difference only applies to giving PI a better processing ability.
A strong reason is providing compatibility with PixInsight. Along with that, other reasons are:
- Versatile XML format that can be easily extended and adapted.
- Strictly defines a number of critical image elements, such as data types, image geometry, color spaces, numeric ranges, thumbnail images, metadata, ICC color profiles, RGB working spaces, arbitrary image extensions, etc. Metadata are fully compatible with current FITS header keywords, but are not limited by the archaic FITS restrictions: keyword identifiers and values can have unlimited length and fully support Unicode (UTF-8 format).
- Supports real and complex pixel data in all signed and unsigned integer formats from 8 bits to 64 bits, and floating point formats from 32 bits to 128 bits. Numeric ranges are strictly defined for all supported data types. Images can have an unlimited number of dimensions and channels. Optional interpretation of non-nominal channels as transparency data (multiple alpha channels) is also strictly defined.
- Supports multiple images and multiple arrays of arbitrary data (the equivalent to FITS tables).
- Completely isolates metadata from pixel data. This has the advantage that metadata can be easily streamlined. For example, the entire description of a multiple image file can be acquired as a contiguous block of bytes before reading any pixel data.
- Provides nondestructive compression natively. The compression schemes are similar to the ones implemented by the TIFF format.
- Provides incremental reading and writing (reading/writing sequentially by strips of pixel rows) in all formats, even for compressed data.
- It is an open standard, free and freely available.
- It provides cross-platform, open-source development tools released under a liberal BSD-like license. This makes the new format easy to be integrated with existing applications.
Summarizing, our intention is to provide a contemporary and efficient format for storage and transmission of image data. Among a large number of advantages and benefits, such a format would solve all inter-application compatibility problems.