This is round 1 in the test for FWHM-tools.
The target is an artificial star.
See the attachment: it is a jpeg-copy of a fit-file that contains a <<perfect star>>.
The star is a cross-shape with one column and one row. Pixelvalues are:
0.343 / 0.5651 / 0.7585757 / 0.89899998 / 0.7585757 / 0.5651 / 0.343.
I choose these values because the FWHM equals 3.9999 in pixels. You can verify this in the attached excel-file.
In this test I use a FL of 660mm and a CCDpixelsize of 6.45. That is app. 2.02 arcsec per pixel.
Ok the results sofar in pixels and arcseconds
ImagesPlus: 3.0 and 6.06 // Remark: based on the very specific pixvalues I can NOT understand this; it is too optimistic.
Sextractor: 5.22 -> 10.54 // Sextractor reports that it assumes a gaussian core and that is what we want here.
Stareval: 4.00 and 8.06 // No surprise for me.
CarlosModule: unknown and unknown!!!
Carlos, as I am running MacOSX I can not use your module. We need help!
Round 2 will be on real data ....
The score sofar:
number 1: Stareval.
number 2: Sextractor.
number 3: IP.
number 4: CarlosModule (did not finish).
I know it is unfair but this is how it goes
your testdriver, Hans
PS: Hope your new home will be good for you.