Some random observations when playing with the script
- with a newly started script, the new instance triangle does not do anything. Actually, during my experiments I never was able to produce a new instance (I tried with the CanonBanding script, this one works). This takes a while, put produces no result (not even an error message).
- It would be nice if the script came with a preconfigured pipeline for calibration as described by Vicent. Currently, there are too many settings that just can be configured the wrong way.
- The different processes should have defaults as recommended by Vicent.
- It would be good to be able to define a directory for temporary files (such as the files transformed from .cr2 to .fit), and make this the default directory for all intermediate files.
- I wonder if it would be better to make the .cr2->fits step explicit as one process step!?!
- Would it be possible to implement a makefile-like mechanism that automatically (re-)runs only the necessary steps?
- I think a Cleanup process would be useful, such that intermediate files can be removed with just one command.
I know I am asking for a lot. For the moment, I suggest to make bugfixing and usability your priority. There are still too many people horrified by the complexity (and the many error sources) of doing image calibration in PI (and this does include me