IMHO, the amount of time spent on processing an image should be a minor issue where the quality of the final image should be most important. As for your work flow, Background Neutralization, Color Calibration, and DBE all balance the color so these are redundant. I can't see you getting different results with each of these steps. If you have gradients then DBE, if properly applied, should take care of the gradients as well as balance the color.
The difference I see in the black point between PI and PS is about the only thing short of creating my web JPGs I use PS for unless I have a bit of noise I want to reduce. Then I use a masking routine in PS to selectively reduce color noise. That said, until I learn the proper way to do this in PI, it's an efficiency thing for me as I own both software's already. If I didn't already have PS I certainly wouldn't buy it for this as PI is extremely capable. As for the black point, I need to pay close attention as to where this is in both programs. As PI shows how much you are clipping it should be a simple matter of seeing where this shows on the levels in PS.
I'm not sure I agree that Background Neutralization, Color Calibration and DBE are redundant. I agree that they don't all need to be used on the same image (and probably shouldn't), but they definitely seem to do different things.
My understanding (limited though it may be) is:
Background Neutralization will try to even out an overall color cast to the background, while leaving major objects alone.
Color Calibration will try to adjust colors throughout the image based on the models described elsewhere in these forums.
DBE is best used to eliminate color gradients.
These sound like three different goals which should be used when appropriate. In my case, it actually sounds like the Background Neutralization and DBE will be necessary in most images and color calibration will depend on how I feel about a given image.
As always, I am willing to be shown the error of my logic. After all, it's the only way I learn!
Clear skies!