Not much luck so far, so I try once again over here in "my own thread" on calibration problems as the problem I am having is different and separate from Marek's since my 16 bit unsigned bias frames don't look abnormal:
Clicking the "calibrate" checkbox of the enabled dark section of the ImageCalibration tool did enable calibrated lights for my Ha, B subs that are no longer obviously "bad"; i.e, they are no longer gray under STF with only bright stars visible (I believe due to a large part of the range having negative values as in the calibrated lights previously sent). However, my only basis for saying that they are now "good" is that the registered stacks I made with PI from them for Ha, B and, as a control, remade with the "calibrate" box checked for Lum also, all compare closely to the registered stacks of those channels that I made through AIP4WIN "advanced" calibration (which also uses flat darks) and AIP4WIN registration/stacking. (All relevant data was collected at a camera-controlled -20 deg C). Due to the sketchiness of the single "calibrate lights" paragraph of the "Master Calibration Frames..." tutorial, there is still much ambiguity about the correct settings in the IC tool for that particular step of the PI calibration process. Therefore, I am asking for some further elaboration on what those IC tool settings should be.
Here are my present guesses for the correct settings in the IC tool to do proper calibration of light frames:
Master Bias section checked; calibrate UNchecked; not mentioned in the tutorial
Master Dark section checked; calibrate CHECKED, optimize UNchecked; neither mentioned in the tutorial
Master Flat section checked; calibrate UNchecked, as specified in the tutorial
If I'm understanding the logic inferred from the earlier sections of the tutorial, these settings translate into saying that you are to calibrate the MasterDark by subtracting the MasterBias and then use both the bias, the bias-subtracted MasterDark and the MasterFlat to calibrate the light frames (but not change the already-calibrated MasterFlat). I'm most uncertain about whether the optimize box should be unchecked or checked during this step.
I would really be delighted if Vicent or anyone could confirm or correct these settings as I believe it is a straightforward question that is the boiled-down essence of my confused earlier attempts to describe the problem above. I'm sure its my fault for not posing the question clearly enough previously and someone can clarify this.
Thanks very much.
P.S. For some of us, a math equation for the calibrated lights in terms of the various inputs might help our understanding but that's just a suggestion, if possible, for some future time. Right now, I'd just like to get the missing requested information so I can switch over to using PI for calibration of my data.