I'm almost afraid to ask this question. As it hasn't been asked, I'm going to anyway. I'm a Linux user, so Registax, DSS and other stacking programs are out of the question, or don't perform all that well. I don't use Wine.
I have 30 calibrated lunar images, all of approximately the same exposure. I want to combine them, but can't find a way to align and integrate with II.
HDRComposition doesn't work with same/similar exposure images. Applying +/- midtone values to the images (3 at this stage) works quite well, with adjustment of the binarizing value.
It's tedious to adjust the midtone value of 30 images, and it's necessary to know the minimum difference of midtone value that HDRC will accept - and how many images can be processed before reaching upper and lower practical limits.
Perhaps a script that iteratively sets minimum midtone values, acceptable to HDRC, across a set of images may have limited use, but would be quite useful at times.
A better way? Or, how would I go about adapting a batch conversion script to perform this function. I have limited knowlege of C++ - and I mean limited. I can read an understand scripts, and have written one or two.