Hi Neil,
AFAIK, Photoshop chokes on 32 bit float images saved in PixInsight, but I've never experienced any problems when saving as 16 bit int.
Re Gaussian PSF, others will probably give you a better answer, but I think most people just use a blind deconvolution approach.
There's a script (Script -> Utilities -> Deconvolution Preview) that may be helpful. I usually just try different settings on a preview.
If you want to "read" the PSF from a star, you can use the External PSF method, using an image of a representative star as the "sample".
I've never really obtained very good results with it, but as you can tell, I'm not an expert in the subject.
This link may be helpful:
http://blog.deepskycolors.com/PixInsight/Deconvolutions.htmlIt's based on v1.5 and the dialog box has changed a bit for v1.6 (mainly the Algorithm section), but hopefully it still makes sense for the most part.