Author Topic: osx x86_64: processes keep "hanging"- locking view and not terminating  (Read 3049 times)

Offline pfile

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i've had this happen twice now with .651 and .652: after applying a masked a-trous wavelet process or some random pixelmath expression, these processes apparently do not terminate properly, leaving the last view locked and then i can't open any new process windows. attempting to apply a process that already happens to be open gives "EnableAbort(): Low-level API function error" which i guess is a symptom of the view being locked.

when you try to close the view or quit the program, you are advised to try to unlock the view manually... that would make cleaning up before quitting a bit easier, since in this state i seem to be unable to activate other views fully and sometimes can not save all my open images. how do you manually unlock a view?