Author Topic: StarHaloReducer script  (Read 4325 times)

Offline Nigel Ball

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StarHaloReducer script
« on: 2010 December 28 02:48:20 »
I've been using the StarHaloReducer script to get rid of some rather large halos in a Ha image of IC443.

Here's my problem. No matter how much I fine tune the settings I always get a dark line around the edge of where the halo was

Does anybody else get this?
Nigel Ball
Nantwich, Cheshire, United Kingdom

Takahashi FSQ-106 at f/8, f/5 and f/3.6 on AP900, Nikon 28 mm and 180mm f/2.8
SBIG STL-11000M, Astrodon LRGB, 5nm Ha
ST-10XME, Astrodon HaLRGB

Offline Silvercup

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Re: StarHaloReducer script
« Reply #1 on: 2010 December 30 05:45:09 »
Hi Nigel, sorry for the late answer but I have a lot of work and developing and ASCOM driver.

When you got dark halos you are darken too much the background's Halo. StarHaloReducer is more efective with a iterative aplication. I.e. it's better appliying 3 times with smal amounts than 1 with more amount.

Althought you don't notice de difference between images, when you run script 3 times you will see the difference from original.

If you upload a image with the halo, I can try to find the settings.

Best, Silvercup