Author Topic: 3 feature suggestions  (Read 19262 times)

Offline David Serrano

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3 feature suggestions
« on: 2007 September 07 10:47:22 »
- ImageContainer: I clicked on the "Add files" button, selected all *.bmp in a directory and accepted. The resulting ImageContainer displayed all files correctly, but the bottom of the list was displayed. I would expect the resulting list to be at the top.

- ImageContainer: Same as above, regarding the window that appears when clicking the "Run diagnostics" button.

- Erm, PNG support ;). I had to convert all my *.png beforehand. Fortunately I run Linux so this was a 2 minute task.

There you are! :^P
 David Serrano

Offline Juan Conejero

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3 feature suggestions
« Reply #1 on: 2007 September 11 01:07:18 »
PNG support

Yes, of course this will be available. I'm delaying it because a good implementation of PNG with 8 and 16 bit support and full coverage of alpha channel support isn't so easy to write. This is in the first positions of the to-do list.

Regarding ImageContainer, there are many things to fix/improve in this interface, I know. Thanks for remembering/pointing them.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Nocturnal

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3 feature suggestions
« Reply #2 on: 2007 September 24 12:05:30 »
Yes, PNG support would be terrific. Even if only to save images to png format. After all that work getting images processed I'd rather use a lossless codec although jpg at 100% does a good job too.

I've seen so many astro photos online butchered with poor jpg compression it makes me want to cry. Well, not really but you get my drift :-)



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