Hello Alex,
Welcome to the Pixinsight forum.
Starting by Harry's video will help you in your learning curve.
http://www.harrysastroshed.com/pixinsighthomenewbie.htmlAs a general rule, average or bad data will complicate the process of your images.
Some targets are more difficult and should be planned later to be processed when your PI knowledge is appropriate.
About your questions;
1: I do that combining RGB channels using channelcombination tool without assigning weight to the channels (usually I collect the right number of sub exposures in relation with my filters and CCD chip characteristics), then I do a backgroundneutralization and or a colorcalibration.
2: I check for gradients, if needed I remove it using dynamicbackgroundextraction tool.
When I'm happy with my linear image I use the script maskedstrech in script utility I do around 140 iterations and 0.17 target median.
Then depending of the image, I do some improvement.
You probably should need to learn to do a proper star mask, to use a trouwaveletTransform,HDRWT, Pixelmath, ACDR...