Hi Rob,
I am sure that Juan explains this in a more 'correct' way but, basically, in PixInsight you have 'Images' and you have 'Processes'. An image need not have any process applied to it, and a process need not be associated with any image (unlike the scenario in PhotoShop, for example).
In other words, you can define, or set-up the parameters of, a Process without that Process actually being 'tied' to an image (with an exception, see later). You can also save a copy of that 'Process Definition' as a 'Process Icon' - either on your Workspace, or actually onto your PC hard-drive, etc. All without ever actually having 'used' the Process itself. More importantly, if you HAVE used the Process, then you can save (temporarily, or permanently) a copy of 'how' the Process was configured, for later use (perhaps even on a different image). Again, very different to the likes of PS.
But, back to the 'exception' - and this concerns those processes considered to be 'Dynamic' - such as DBE. Here, the process, alone, is somewhat 'meaningless', because any parameters that need to be defined are usually 'dynamically linked' to an image - and also they must usually confine their 'link' to one image, and one image only, whilst they remain 'active'.
Take the simplest example of such a Process - Dynamic Crop. You can't really consider setting a crop area without prior knowledge of the image you actually want to crop in the first place. Well, you could, but that would be a 'static crop', rather than a 'dynamic crop'. The Dynamic Crop process acually allows you to set the process parameters 'in real time' by 'interacting' with a chosen image, Once you have pushed and prodded the cropping margins to your satisfaction, only then do you 'apply' the DC to the image. Of course, you CAN still 'save' the Process Icon for that application - and can therefore re-apply exactly the 'same' crop to any other image (assuming that the cropping area was 'meaningful' when associated with a different image!!). However, this subsequent re-application is now really a 'static crop', as you are no longer 'interacting' with the process.
Finally, the 'dynamic link' remains active between that process and the target image, unless YOU 'break' the link by closing down the currently active dynamic process. Moreover, PI will only support a single active dynamically-linked process at any one time. In other words, if you want to change from Dynamic Crop to Dynamic Background Extraction, you MUST close down DC first.
Unfortunately, this is one of those instances that takes far too many 'words' to explain, but about five minutes to 'understand' once you take the time to 'figure it all out'.
Hope this helps.