I'm doing my baby steps in tri-color NB imaging, I have some experience with Ha, but now I started shooting Oiii and Sii.
I needed to bin 2X2 both Oiii and Sii in order to get something in the limited time I had to image. A few advices please :
1) At which stage I should rescale them to match Ha ? I put everywhere (for Ha, Oiii and Sii) as reference image in StarAlignment the best image from Ha. The tool registered my frames and rescaled them. Does it really matter where I rescale them as soon as I do this when the images are linear ? Or I should first stack them and then rescale them ?
2) Which is the best workflow after ? use LRGB, BackgroundCalibration, HistorgramTransformation and then the rest as I'm doing with RGB images ? or
Can I process each channel individually and then register-combine the non-linear results ? My concern is because I have uneven signal and noise on each channel. Ha is very good and needs just a touch of processing. Oiii has a lot of gradient and background noise and needs a lot of ACDR to get something proper. Sii has very low signal and needs a lot of stretch.
3) I understand that this is purely artistic-imaging, but how the heck people claim that they used HST pallete and they finished with nice blues and golds instead of greens and purples ? Playing with saturation? eg with CurvesTransformation and/or ColorSaturation ?
Thank you in advance