Hi Nigel,
Thanks for your nice words! Keep a few things in mind regarding mosaics:
- The manual frame adaptation procedure I described in the tutorial is no longer needed. StarAlignment has now an automatic frame adaptation feature that is much more accurate and efficient.
- You must always build your mosaics with linear images. Among other important reasons to work with linear images, the automatic frame adaptation algorithm won't work optimally with nonlinear images.
- For the frame adaptation routine to yield a seamless mosaic, individual mosaic frames must be accurately calibrated. In particular, flat fielding must be perfect, and if you have gradients, they must be fixed with DBE before building the mosaic. Irregular illumination will cause visible seams.
how about an option to have a jagged edge and or blending?
It isn't needed. The frame adaptation routine already applies the computed correction to the frame being added at each mosaic step. Or am I misunderstanding/missing something?