Hi all,
In this thread I'll be publishing all new versions of the PixInsight documentation compiler script. Current version is 1.2.0, published October 29 2010:
http://pixinsight.com/download/pidoc/compiler/pidoc-compiler-1.2.0-20101029.zipThis version fixes some important bugs and supports new PIDoc commands.
The compiler is composed of 7 JavaScript source files:
pidoc-1.js (global declarations used by all source files)
pidoc-c.js (PIDoc compiler)
pidoc-d.js (PIDoc document)
pidoc-g.js (compiler's graphical user interface)
pidoc-m.js (PIDoc command implementations)
pidoc-w.js (compiler's working data)
pidoc.js (script's entry point)
The executable file is pidoc.js. To install the script, copy the seven files above to any directory (for example, the src/scripts installation directory) and use the
Script > Feature Scripts main menu option, then click the Add button and select the directory where you have copied the script files. The Feature Scripts dialog will automatically find and select the compiler script.
The reference documentation on the latest specification of the PIDoc document definition language is here: