Author Topic: Enigma= Master Bais_Dark_Flat files and my DSLR files  (Read 11405 times)

Offline zerro1

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Re: Enigma= Master Bais_Dark_Flat files and my DSLR files
« Reply #15 on: 2010 October 28 22:50:55 »
Zerro1, I've tried Cal_ing the flat subs with both B and D Masters and also just B with no luck.
You're saying here that the flat calibration did not complete successfully? or it appears that it didn't based on the failure at the calibration of your light frames?

as far as the DSLR RAW pref settings in "format explorer" I have only used it set at 1.000000 for all three options.

Did you try just calibrating the lights (image subs) with only the master Dark?

You're making sure that the "calibrate" under Master Flat is un-checked"

Now here is a question I have for anyone who might know the answer; why, in Image Integration, would you have the default setting to add calibration to the master flat "checked" instead of "un-checked"?

I'm just sayin..
« Last Edit: 2010 October 28 23:11:02 by zerro1 »

Offline georg.viehoever

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Re: Enigma= Master Bais_Dark_Flat files and my DSLR files
« Reply #16 on: 2010 October 29 01:27:53 »
You're making sure that the "calibrate" under Master Flat is un-checked"

Now here is a question I have for anyone who might know the answer; why, in Image Integration, would you have the default setting to add calibration to the master flat "checked" instead of "un-checked"?

Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)

Offline zerro1

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Re: Enigma= Master Bais_Dark_Flat files and my DSLR files
« Reply #17 on: 2010 October 29 08:44:09 »
I didn't see earlier in the thread where you stated that you did do a dark only cal.

(qualifier) Ok I know that the "accepted method" of capturing flats is the camera can't be moved , defocussed Blah Blah Blah...!

But lets try to get this sorted out so you can make this work.  I have a T1i/500D, somewhere I have some subs from the T1i that I'll dig up and also give this a go...

put your camera back on your scope as close to the position imaged at as you possibly can! I want you to re-shoot 10 flats, 10 Dark_flats, and then get 25 bias frames.. ALL at ISO 100! I know, it will not be the optimum Master Flat, but 99% of the time the dust that you see is on your sensor, and unless you're really disturbing it, it's not moving much.

Take these files and just focus on creating a master_flat with them. I know that PixInsight has dark scaling but let's eliminate that for now and just try to get past this roadblock.  

This image of the Rosette was just completed this morning using exactly that method but was captured with a modified 1000D . Darks, Bias and lights were all ISO1600 and the Master Flat was created using ISO 100 flats, bias and darks.


So I completed a couple calibration and integration procedures with Data from my T1i. after a couple of errors on "My Part" I got through it fine.  It is do-able with the tutorial guides.
You might try a couple variations with the windsorized, sigma, or averaged clipping in the final integration if your result comes out a little undesirable.



« Last Edit: 2010 October 29 23:18:48 by zerro1 »

Offline Cleon_Wells

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Re: Enigma= Master Bais_Dark_Flat files and my DSLR files
« Reply #18 on: 2010 October 30 07:32:04 »
Zerro1, and Georg, I'm down in Nashville Tn. this weekend, visiting the grandchildren, will be back on Monday and hopefully figure this out.
Cleon - GSO 10"RC/Canon T1i-Hap Mod, 100mmF6/2Ucam/MG, EQG/EQmod

Offline Cleon_Wells

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Re: Enigma= Master Bais_Dark_Flat files and my DSLR files
« Reply #19 on: 2010 November 02 20:19:34 »
In my last test, trying to Cal 14bit CR2 files from my T1i Canon, I used one CR2 Bias sub, one CR2 Dark sub and one CR2 Flat sub for the Master Calibration files. With all the files being  CR2 files I get a _c image file with an image. If I convert the Bias,Dark an Flat CR2 files to  fit files with all three levels set to 1.000 my _c image file has all the pixels set to 0.000: what am I missing in the raw CR2 file Calibration procedure?
Cleon - GSO 10"RC/Canon T1i-Hap Mod, 100mmF6/2Ucam/MG, EQG/EQmod

Offline zerro1

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Re: Enigma= Master Bais_Dark_Flat files and my DSLR files
« Reply #20 on: 2010 November 03 00:40:19 »


when you set the parameters in the format explorer, leave them alone. what ever is causing this is not from those settings. I have a T1i, I tried the whole process from start to finish. It does work.

please read through it first.

Lets take this one step at a time,  Until you successfully complete the creation of the calibration frames, nothing is going to work.  you will need 10 flats, 10 dark flats, and 20 bias frames, all with the same ISO speed. (I chose ISO 100 because I'm trying to keep the noise low).

we are only going to calibrate and create you Master_Flat_Frame  with these files. To do this, you will need to not only follow the directions in the tutorial, you also need to make absolutely certain that all check boxes and menu selections are identical to the pictures.

when I ran BatchFormatConversion for each set "flats", "Dark_flats", "Bias",  to make sure I didn't have any conflicts, I saved them all as 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.

 BatchFormatConvert all calibration files
 integrate Flat_Darks and Flat_Bias
   a:settings: Integration
          Combination = average
               Normalization = No Normalization
              Weights = Don't care (all weights =1)
              Generate Integrated image = checked
          Buffer = 16
          Use file cache = checked
   b: settings: Pixel Rejection 1
          Rejection algorithm = Windsorized Sigma Clipping
          Normalization = No Normalization
          Generate rejection maps = checked
          Clip low pixels = checked
          Clip high pixels = checked
          Clip low range = checked
          Clip high range = checked
    c: settings: Pixel Rejection 2
          Sigma low = 4.000
          Sigma high = 3.000

          Range low = 0.000000
          Range high = 0.980000
 First integrate the darks using the above settings. then repeat the process to integrate the    bias files.

at the end of each pass through the integration process, you will be presented with three files.
You want to only save the one that is designated "integration". save the one from the dark frames as Flat_Dark. after you integrate the bias frames, save that "integration" frame as  Flat_Bias.

I'm going to provide the walkthrough for Calibration and Integration of the Master_Flat in a second response to isolate it.

Offline zerro1

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Re: Enigma= Master Bais_Dark_Flat files and my DSLR files
« Reply #21 on: 2010 November 03 01:47:53 »

After completing this part you will stiill need to create a MASTER_DARK frame for the calibration of your Light Frames The Master Dark subs should be the same ISO as your "Image subs" and should be equal to or  longer than your image subs to allow for "Dark Scaling".  Master Bias must be created using more subs than are used in the creation of the Master_Dark....

I'm going to bed now

Creating the Master_Flat is a two process task.
First you must calibrate the Flat subs that were converted to .fit format. To Do This:

open the ImageCalibration process.

add the 10 converted flat subs.

you must select an Output Directory

the default settings should be

Output extension
prefix = cal_
sample format = 32-bit floating point
Overwrite existing files = un-checked
On error = continue

Overscan = un-checked

master bias = checked
this is where you need to select that "Bias_flat" file that you created

calibrate = checked

Master Dark = checked

this is where you need to select the Dark_Flat file that you created

Calibrate = checked

Optimize = checked

Optimization window (px) = 1024

CFA pattern detection = Detect CFA

Master Flat = YOU MUST Un-Check this box

Now click the round button and calibrate these flats.


open the Image Integration Process

Input Images..

add the Calibrated Flat frames

Under "Image Integration"

Combination = Average

Normalization = Multiplicative

Weights  = Don't care (all weights =1)
weight keyword "blank"

Generate Integrated Image = checked

Generate a 64 bit result = "un-checked"

Evaluate noise = "un-checked"

close previous image = "un-checked"

Buffer size (MB)  = 16

Use File Cache = checked


 Rejection algorithm = Percentile Clipping

          Normalization = Equalize Fluxes

          Generate rejection maps = checked
          Clip low pixels = checked
          Clip high pixels = checked
          Clip low range = checked
          Clip high range = checked


         Percentile low = 0.010
         Percentile High = 0.010

          Range low = 0.000000
          Range high = 0.980000

Click the round button.

The "integration" File that you get from this process will be your Master_Flat.
Save it with that name.

« Last Edit: 2010 November 03 02:04:18 by zerro1 »

Offline Cleon_Wells

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Re: Enigma= Master Bais_Dark_Flat files and my DSLR files
« Reply #22 on: 2010 November 03 19:29:40 »
Zerro1, I kept all the Bias,Dark and Flat subs at the same iso and for the first time I could Calibrate my CR2 science subs. Last night I took more subs of M33 at iso-1600_90-sec exposure, I used ios-1600 B,D,F sub files to create the Master Cal files for Calibration of these iso-1600 CR2 subs.
       You mentioned you were using iso-100 B,D,F subs to create low noise Master Calibration files; so the Master Calibration files don't have to be the same iso as the science subs?
PS. thanks for getting me  past this basic CR2 Cal problem, I hope the CR2 Cal subs will give me better results than my converted .fit subs produce.
Cleon - GSO 10"RC/Canon T1i-Hap Mod, 100mmF6/2Ucam/MG, EQG/EQmod

Offline zerro1

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Re: Enigma= Master Bais_Dark_Flat files and my DSLR files
« Reply #23 on: 2010 November 03 19:43:09 »
That low ISO usage was ONLY to create the "Master_Flat Frame" not the Master_bias and Master_dark.

I completely divorced the Master_flat creation from the creation of the Master_Dark and Master_bias. It makes for extra work but, but we do what we can for every improvement.. :)

I'm glad I was able to help !