I'm Dave, and the 'new boy on your Block'.
I have been astro-imaging for about 8 years now, and have a small observatory located in South Suffolk, UK. You can see this on my website at:
http://www.progressiveastroimaging.com/davesastronomy/My reason for joining this forum is that on the dedicated astro-imaging forum (
http://www.progressiveastroimaging.com/ ) that I co-admin, we have been having some in-depth discussion on the relative merits of Pixinsight (PI) and Photoshop (PS), and some example images 'posted' indicated that some of the process algorithms in PI may produce better results on astro images than does PS.
Always looking for ways of improving my images, I have downloaded PI on a trial licence, in order to see if it will extract more from my images.
I only downloaded PI yesterday, and my first impressions were that it's user interface and method of operation is very different to other processing software that I have used. I guess that because I'm used other processing software, I find that PI cannot be used intuitively, but needs to be learnt from the 'bottom up'.
This learning process is, in my opinion, severely hampered by the lack of any real documentation (user manual).
The video tutorials are helpful, but not the same as having a written user guide to hand when working with the software as a new user.
That said, I believe that PI has some real benefits to offer, and I will attempt to ‘get to grips’ with it during the 29 day of the trial I have left. If I like it, then I will buy it.
Fortunately, one of your Pixinsight Gurus is a member of the forum mentioned above, and has already been very helpful.
I will no doubt be ‘picking your brains’ over the next month, and look forward to exchanging ‘posts’ with you.