Managed to get a half decent LRGB in PI tonight by stretching and equalizing the R,G,B and L in CCDStack. I'm sure this isnt the right way but it appears to work.
Anyway combined with all weights at 1 to start even though my eXcalibrator suggests otherwise. To be fair I think eXcalibrator is correct as the blue stars do not look blue. I did try LRGBCombination with the correct weights but I couldnt find the neutralise background function I'm used to.
So pushing on with the 1:1:1 image I applied DBE - an absolutely superb feature
Then HDR with a star mask. Incidentally how do you edit the star mask ?
I know have a reasonable start for processing but I'm stuck as to how to bring out the brown dust. It is there and PI's Chrominance Noise Reduction has done a great job - much better than my efforts yesterday in CS4
So I need some guidance
1. what functions to use to bring out the dust
2. how to apply the correct factors for the stars
3. How to edit the star mask and draw on it
Here's my current image