Hi all,
a friend of mine is experiencing a problem since he switched from DSLR to ccd. He's now using a qhy8.
Being a little computer challenged, and not very keen on learning new softwares, he's still using what worked for his old DSLR: DeepSkyStacker to combine the shots and photoshop to adjust levels, curves, saturation and the likes.
This has somewhat worked even for the first few objects with the qhy8, but lately it stopped working. Granted, the object selection has increasingly been moving towards harder/more challenging ones, so I think this is what caused the problem.
Anyway, the fact is that, while DSS is happily throwing out results which seems ok, when the image is then taken in ps for final adjustments, it is very washed out, to the point that, after stretching, the starfield has no color at all.
Is it possible that saving the final DSS stack in 16bit formats is causing this? He obvioulsy has to do it because ps will only work in 16bit mode. Would using a 32bit format better this situation? And more in general: why is it better working in 32 bits when all the cameras seems to be 16bit anyway?