Hi Sander,
This is why I always advise people to skip the RGB weighting effort that some folks seem determined to make. Just debayer and stack and let the image be green. Then calibrate and correct. No matter how smart the RGB weights are, you'll always have to correct anyway so you might as well skip the weights. That's why the debayer module doesn't have weights
That is bordering on Heresy!! You could get yourself banned by saying that on some other Forums

In fact, next thing you will be suggesting that we need to mess around taking R, G and B exposures for differing times or that RGB combinations can only ever work if you apply the correct, extinction-compensated, weighting factors at the time of combination.
And yet, when an image is massaged through the PI BackroundNeutralisation and ColourCalibration processes, why does it just then seem to 'look right', when us heretics have totally ignored the extinction-compensated, plate-solved, filter-adjusted, weighting factors that their proponents seem to insist are necessary?
Maybe our methods are frowned upon because we just don't have to work hard enough to achieve good results