I may be too old (76) for this. Even the forum seems to be kind of complicated. Anyway, I installed the trial version on my new not-the-best I5 computer (still three times faster than the next best one) and I am trying to figure out how to use the program. I am more than impressed what it CAN do (the processing examples are very impressive) but I am starting simple.
I wonder whether some kind of 'rank beginners' corner can be established. So far, I have been using for my DSLR image ImagesPlus program that is not very sophisticated compared Pixinsight but very easy to use. Some three levels below what PT can do.
Well, here what I tried to do and got stuck immediately. I converted, calibrated, aligned and stacked some 30 images of Pacman Nebula and created an ImagePlus format .fit file. The file can be loaded in PT - three high contrast 'gray' images come up. What do they represent? The RGB channels? What to do with them? I have no clue.
Before I give up (there is a lot of things I cannot do at 76 I could do at 36, needless to say), I would like to get some gentle general guidance.
It may make no sense for the gurus here to descend to the depth of ignorance of folks like me - if so, tell me that privately and/or with the legendary Spanish courtesy.