Hi Christoph:
I meant "Canditate" more as "best approximation" without the benefit of measurement.
You definitiely can make some predictions about what general functional form the PSF takes assuming perfect optics etc. The formula you cite can calculate exactly the linear width of the central bright part of the airy disk. The result would not tell you anything about the actual PSF but does serve as an approximation of it and yes surely, diffraction makes up quite a large portion of the PSF you would observe in a good optical system.
We should note the functional form of the Airy disc is not gaussian (I think it's a Bessel function...) so a Gaussian would only ever be an approximation. (Note Airy Patterns have dark and light rings outside the core which cannot be corrected for with a gaussian based PSF).
That said, the formula is a good place to start, especially if you are playing with the gaussian functions in the restoration and deconvolution tools in PixInsight.
If you want to use the formula you have quoted yes, you need to translate the physical units somehow into pixels (Eq 1.12 on page 9 is for d measured in meters).
Next you want to translate the width of the airy disc into a "close approximate" Gaussian which is expressed using the parameter "width" in the Gaussian generators.
The Wiki entry on Airy disk has a formula for Gaussian approximation of the airy disk. That might be something to try.
PS Check out Aberrator at
http://aberrator.astronomy.net/ It's a little program that lets you create simulated airy patterns. It's pretty interesting.