Author Topic: BatchDeBayer forcing PixInsight to be the active app  (Read 2927 times)

Offline j.w.

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BatchDeBayer forcing PixInsight to be the active app
« on: 2010 August 15 09:10:02 »
Using v 1.6.1 64bit for OSX ( eng (x86_64), when using the Batch DeBayer script, it forces PixInsight to be the active OS X application with every image it begins to debayer (meaning I can't have PixInsight running in the background).


Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: BatchDeBayer forcing PixInsight to be the active app
« Reply #1 on: 2010 August 17 06:37:01 »
Hi John,

Does this happen only with the Batch Debayer script? For example, could you try with the FFTRegistration or BatchFormatConversion scripts, to see if we have the same problem with them? Also, does this only happen with the 64-bit version, or also with the 32-bit version?

I ask because unfortunately I am far from my Mac machine right now (I am supposed to be on vacation), so I cannot test it by myself.

Anyway I'll try to fix this problem as soon as I can. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline j.w.

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Re: BatchDeBayer forcing PixInsight to be the active app
« Reply #2 on: 2010 August 17 13:48:35 »
Thanks for the reply Juan.  I'll download the 32 bit version and run a few trials and let you know.  I've never seen it happen with BatchFormatConversion (haven't tried FFTRegistration), just BatchDebayer (as I recall, it seems when it was calling dcraw).  And I wouldn't consider this important enough to interrupt your vacation by the way!!!!
