Hi Colin
I agree with you. With some kernels the Wiener filter works better than RL (in most cases, RL is also better than Van Cittern). Also, it is faster.
I have not have too good results with "real" PSF, like using stars directly. I would say that if you may have a mean to simulate the data matrix, then go that
way instead of using real data. If the latter is the only alternative, then I would process it with wavelets, to delete the first layer, or perform some noise
reduction in the first 2-3 layers.
Hi Carlos:
Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
FYI In my simulated/synthetic tests I convolve a reference image using a test PSF matrix to generate the blurred image. In this sense, my tests do not suffer
problems of intenity dependent bloom (overloaded CCDs) or intensity saturation of pixels etc. due to real world dynamic range limits of CCDs (See Question
below) I have confirmed that the extracted PSF is the ACTUAL PSF that was applied. Using the mathematically correct PSF ... as you say, Weiner and
Constrained Least Squares seems to do much better than RL or VanCittert, and I would guess that it is because of the mathematical form of the partiular PSF.
I would guess using a gaussian PSF, R-L would do a fine job. I will keep experimenting with the restoration filter and trying to massage the ACTUAL PSF to
compensate for the algorithms...
Questions: I am still learning about astronomical photography so please excuse my ignorance.
1) First I am curious when taking astronomical photographs which one of the following tends to be more true given the limitations and capabilities of CCDs,
for any given digital image of a star whose actual visual size (angle subtended... etc.) is less than one pixel (if the optics were perfect)
A) the CCD dynamic range is wide enough such that every star in the digital image is a "point source" spread --only-- by the actual spreading function caused
by the atmosphere, and the optics between the actual star and the CCD, and hence is the same function regardless of the brighness of each star in the image.
B) the CCD is such that the stars in the digital image are point sources spread by a function which depends on blooming, intensity saturation limits etc. of
the CDD such that each star effectively has a different spread function which depends on the brightness of that star
2) Is it possible using a 16 bit CCD, to take multiple images at different exposures, and then remove intensity saturated pixels from each picture, and
recombine them with proper intensity scaling in order to produce a proper digital image like A) discussed above? Would such a tool for recombinging images
be useful?
PS I'm trying to figure out how to adapt my PSF extraxtion methods to astronomical images