Author Topic: No FITS Keywords when converting CR2 files to FITS : no calibration possible  (Read 6833 times)

Offline Philippe B.

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I tried to convert an old image taken with a 40D with full process of imageintegration and imagecalibration.
FITS files converted by BatchFormatConversion have not information of exposure time then, calibration process cannot optimize images. The result is a satured red plan and lot of zero values in the corrected files.

Is there something I forget ?

I use PI 1.6.1 OSX 64bits


Offline Juan Conejero

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Hi Philippe,

Our ImageCalibration process does not need exposure time data. Our dark optimization routine implements a purely numeric algorithm that does not depend on any physical property of the sensor or physical condition during acquisition. So you don't need exposure time, temperature, etc. to calibrate images with PixInsight.

There are two points that you must consider before starting to use DSLR raw images with PixInsight:

- You must calibrate your DSLR raw images with ImageCalibration directly. You don't have to convert them to the FITS format.

- Before using ImageCalibration, you must adjust the default decoding parameters of the DSLR_RAW module. This is the step-by-step procedure:

1. Open the Format Explorer window.

2. Double click on the DSLR_RAW item (left column).

3. On the RAW Format Preferences dialog, select the following options:

- Color Adjustment: all three values equal to one.
- White balance: disable both options.
- Select 'Create RAW Bayer image'.
- Select 'No black point correction'.
- Click Ok.

Now PixInsight will load true raw data that can be calibrated with the ImageCalibration tool.

After ImageCalibration, you must de-Bayer the images. This can be done with the excellent BatchDeBayer script by Ken Pendlebury which invokes the also excellent Debayer tool written by Sander Pool. Once you have de-Bayered the images, you can register them with StarAlignment and integrate the registered images with ImageIntegration.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Philippe B.

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Thanks Juan
I tested but the problem is the Calibration (bias, dark, flat) of each image...
I created a master offset (not debayered) with imageIntegration
I created a master dark (not debayered) with imageIntegration
I created a master flat with imageCalibration, including master bias and master dark
I got a master flat not debayed
I I want to calibrate all light frame CR2 (or FIT) with the 3 master offset, dark, flat, result is completely crazy. Red pixels are set at "1.000", Blue and green pixels seem to have good numbers.
Then, if it works, I debayer at this moment !!! Then align...   no ?


Offline Philippe B.

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in fact, it seems the error comes during generation of master Flat. I will see what happens, red values are strongly lowered compare to a raw simgle image...