Dear all,
On my wishlist for the next version I have one small (??) item and one slightly (??) larger.
The small one is the addition of the "A" button in the screen transfer function (automatic) to the image windows. I end up doing the same thing every time I load an image - open the STF and hit the "A" button. Having that "A" button on the image window itself would save me time.
The other item is how to handle image calibration. I normally image the same object on several nights. Using a DSLR I can not control the temp so I end up with more than one set of flats and more than one set of darks. I could also easily imagine shoting with more than one camera meaning that I end up with more than one set of Bias frames. It goes without saying that I also then would have more than one set of lights.
Since the dialogue boxes in PixInsight is really objects it should be possible (?) to implement the following. In one box set the number of light frame sets, bias frame sets, dark frame sets, flat frame sets. This would then make a number of drop down menues appear. In these drop down menues the user indicate the location of the light frame sets, etc.
An example. Two sets of light frames, one set of bias frames, two sets of dark frames and two sets of flat frames. Indicating these numbers I will get two drop down menues for light frames, one for bias, two for darks, two for flats. In each of these drop down menus I can give the location of said frames respectively.
I have noticed that Nebulosity (Craig Stark) have this easy set up implemented, but with fixed number of sets for each image type.
Just a wish :-)