Author Topic: Real Time Preview: integer zoom settings  (Read 3269 times)

Offline Nocturnal

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Real Time Preview: integer zoom settings
« on: 2010 July 19 08:56:01 »


I would like the RTP window to support integer zoom settings just like the regular views. I don't know if there's a technical reason the RTP window does not have scrollbars but if those can't be added then the RTP window should simply grow to accomodate the requested zoom. I think this is important as the render quality is going to be best if integer zooms are used. Actually 1:1 would be very helpful already but by that time all the other keyboard short cuts may as well be added too.

I've noticed odd patterns in the RTP window that seem to be caused by the rescaling. I can see horizontal and vertical patterns in the stars under some conditions. To me this indicates that the current scaling while good has some vulnerabilities. Having an easy method to prevent any scaling would be an easy assurance that 'what you see is what you get'.

Thanks for considering.

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