my idea when processing M51 was to independize H-alpha emission from broadband R emission, because there's a lot of broadband emission contaminating the line emission in the narrowband image. I derived some equations that do this job. Knowing the bandwidth of our filters, and assuming that exposure times and atmospheric extinction are the same, we have:
C = (Br * (R - Ha)) / (Br - Bh)
L = ((Ha * Br) - (R * Bh)) / (Br - Bh)
C = broadband continuum emission
L = line emission at H-alpha
R = broadband R image
Br = bandwidth of R filter
Ha = narrowband H-alpha image
Bh = bandwidth of H-alpha filter
This is very easy to apply with PixelMath (as you will see at the Adler). The H-alpha image before continuum subtraction is below:
And the continuum cleaned H-alpha image is this one:
Once we have the cleaned H-alpha image, we can ADD this to the R filter, multiplied by a factor. In our H-alpha enhanced version of M51, H-alpha emission was multiplied by a factor of 4.
All this must ONLY be done when your images are linear. Otherwise, you cannot subtract the continuum and be sure all that faint hydrogen structures are real in all the galaxy body.
Hope this helps!
Best regards,