The Histogram's MTF is quite aggressive, in the sense that it increases more the contrast than a gamma curve, or DDP (btw, you may find it under the obsolete processes). So, you are absolutly right that sometimes noise would be "emphasized" from the same contrast enhancement. You may deal with that later, decreasing contrast with curves, applying noise reduction algorithm, etc.
If, you want to avoid the MTF, but at the same time beeing able to "predict" the histogram, this is a nice solution:
- Create a new preview, with the same size as the main image (you may drag and drop the image tab on the same panel).
- Open the HistogramTransformation process, and view the preview's histogram.
- Open the CurvesTransform process (or any other process), modify the parameters, and then launch it on the preview.
- The Histogram should reflect all the changes automatically.
So, this way, you may try the parameters without modifying the main image, and you don't have to worry about undo/redoing the process.