Hi, i am a new user of Pixinsight since March of this year.
Your video tutorials are a great help to jump into the new world of PixInsight.
We, my friend Franz Gruber and I, 2 new users from Austria, exercised together very intensive the last 2 month the usage of
this program. It is fun for us to explore daily the for us hidden treasures.
Now the first images made only with PixInsight and our basic knowledge are visible:
http://www.werbeagentur.org/oldwexi/gallery_deepsky/NGC5907_01c.jpgNGC4725: (with a little PS usage to darken the background)
http://www.werbeagentur.org/oldwexi/gallery_deepsky/NGC4725_1530x1050.jpgOne of many questions we want to raise this time:
When using deconvoution for example to round stars or make them a little smaller everything works fine
except: we are getting dark centers in the larger and brighter stars.
Does anyone have a hint which parameters we should use in the deconvolution process to keep the center of the
stars bright?
P.S.: we are also trying to build on our clubs homepage a german version of image processing steps
using PixInsight based on existing english tutorials. We are using our own images and hope there is no problem with this action.
http://www.alrukaba.at/cms/front_content.php?idart=932 http://www.alrukaba.at/cms/front_content.php?idart=933