these master calibration files must be messed up somehow.
first of all they are 2 pixels taller and wider than the CCD. not sure where the extra columns/rows were added yet, or why this would happen.
second of all, if i tell the fits reader to always ask about how to scale the file, when i open the bias frame i see that the minimum value in the file is 1388.800048828125. the maximum value in the file is 2120.828613281250. if i map these to [0,65535] the bias frame is way too bright, as you might expect. i mapped it to [1388,65535], and at least when i calibrate the light the amp glow seems to be gone. there are dead columns on the CCD. is it safe to assume that these read out as 0? in that case i guess i should map to [1388.800048828125,65535.0].
i should just ask lightbuckets for their bias, dark and light subs and integrate them myself, because this is kind of silly.