Hi Nikolay,
That shouldn't happen. The "Calibrate" checkboxes should be *unchecked* for your master dark and bias if they are already calibrated. Are they?
Please confirm as this is a 1.6.1 stopper bug if confirmed.
Impossible to completely calibrate Master Dark in advance.
First problem:
To prepare Mater files from 4157x4142 frame I doing this:
MasterBias: Calibrate (overscan correction , +100 pedestal) > Integrate. I got frame size is 4096x4096 with median 122, Min 114, StdDev 1.24 ADU.
MasterDark: Calibrate (overscan correction , +100 pedestal) > Integrate. I got frame size is 4096x4096 with median 179, Min123, StdDev 53.6 ADU.
I can't simple deduct MasterBias from MasterDark, because its generate negative values in many pixels. So I can't create masterDark which consist only thermal noises. So I can't to use darkFrame Optimisation. It's first problem.
Second problem:
My light frame size 4157x4142. I hope it's good idea to apply overscan correction and dark subtraction in one round. Right?
OK. What I want from ImageCalibration for my Light frame?
1) Apply overscan correction to Light + crop light frame to normal size 4096x4096. (need to enable overscan checker)
2) Subtract Bias from Light. (need to enable Master Bias checker) note added pedestal during preparation MasterBias must disappear.
3) Subtract Bias from Dark. (need to enable Master Dark checker + Calibrate checker). note added pedestal during preparation Master files must disappear and I hope internally negative value not problem for PixInsight. So we got "clear thermal noises data".
4) Optimize "clear thermal noises data" to Light.
5) Subtract thermal noises from Light.
6) Flat calibration.
Problem is the point 3 can't be finished, because "Master Dark Calibrate checker" initiate overscan correction for masterDark (which already overscan corrected).
One question: Juan, why you apply overscan to master's files? I think overscan correction can be applied only to individual files, no reason to apply it to integrated images.
As solution for all the problem, I like to see in next version:
a) FITS header with PEDESTAL value, which will automatically added upon save and deduct upon load files to ImageCalibration module.
b) Independent checker for "enable overscan" in MasterDark section. But I think better don't apply overscan to MasterFiles.
Juan, I think its very very easy for you. It is not stopper, it is very short pit stop, where you can relax from hard work.