No I hadn't seen these till you pointed it out. Other than File|Open or Close All, I really haven't used the top layout. All the commands I've used so far have been from the left side Processing Explorer. I'm sure over time I'll get better aquainted with all the possibilities but for now the Process Explorer works well for me. I did try these and they displayed differently than what I had. There was no Minimise, Restore Down or Close option in the upper right corner and the Task Bar was not visible. The icons you mentioned do work as expected now. One of those odd glitches by who knows what computer process. I have recently installed a screen capture program and maybe that's interferring somehow. If it rears it's ugly head again I'll look at un-installing that screen capture program. The only other program installed in a good while other than the normal Windows updates is Everything, a Windows serach program, and .NET 4.0.