Thanks Jack. This is going to take a lot of pratice as expected. I am following the videos from PI as well as Harry and others but what gets lost is the assumed base of knowledge. A prime example is the DBE PI video part 1 where the Histogram tool is being used. I can see that there are other actions taking place using the sliders and some type of zooming maybe? Even with a seperate monitor showing the video and a seperate monitor to try and follow the examples, too much is lost.
This reminds me so much of learning a computer language. Telling someone to take a shower and then really telling them how is not so easy. You can't assume anything. Open bathroom door, enter bathroom, close bathroom door, remove all clothing, open shower curtain, turn on hot water, turn on cold water, adjust to comfortable temperature, close shower curtain, lay down bath mat at shower, hang towel over shower rod, open shower curtain............. you get the idea. And this is actually easier unless there are assumed actions, such as the shower curtain opens differently with the right hand versus the left hand or entering with right foot first and so on.
Once you've done the proper process it's easier each time till it becomes almost automatic. It's the very first times that will frustrate you to no end. I've done image calibration for over 12 years with MaxIm and it's something I don't even think about. It's become a automated mind process that requires onlt the slightest attention. The same with aligning and creating the masters. I've done it thousands of times that minimal thought is needed, except when there is something that turns up as unusual and needs special attention. Now mind you, I'm not saying the whole process is like this, just the basic construction. But I can say I usually spend less that an hour on anything beyond the basic image, meaning curves and levels and other PS adjustments for a finished images, or what I consider finished.
What would be a big help is a basic start to finish lesson that covers image registration (no problem), image combine (no issue here), RGB/LRGB image compiling (no issue), using Histogram stretch, screen transfer function, DBE, curves and so on explaining when to use and why. The order of the process is important. Is there a function that simulates layer masking? Lets say that once I figure out how to use the Wavelets Transformation tool, I want to use only the part of the image that say involves the core of my galaxy, how can I reveal onlt that in a newly combined image?