"It would be nice when output of calibration can be linked to registration and integration in the process container" (MMirot)
"With the 'scriptable' capabilities of PI, I see that the whole process of 'image reduction' could be contained in a 'single-click' process - but would you REALLY want that? Personally, it is far more important to me that I KNOW how each of the processes has worked (N.Saunders)
I think that both matters are compatible, and necessary:
1) We can test the quality of the outpout of each process, isolated, as Nials want.
2) And we need handle a lot of lights, darks, flats and bias, for the pre-proccesing task, first to calibrate, and then to register and stack, for finally to get our single image, that can be processed individually with all the tools of PI. The pre-proccessing task isn`t an artistic task for the user (not for Juan), but mainly a rutinary task for them (sorry for the words, but they express well the idea). So, the lot of work necessary for pre-processing is very well suited for a computer and their software, in PI with the Process Container, that can launch together calibration, register and integration processes (previously controlled in their performance). Really pre-processing is a task very well suited for Process Container, probably the most.