Author Topic: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration  (Read 24711 times)

Offline xatamec

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #15 on: 2010 March 23 13:42:29 »
Hi Juan,

All these new features in version 1.6.0 are really useful and will make all of us much happier with PI, probably they all deserve a major number change!. I think it would be useful to have the chance of escalating the Master Dark for callibration. Sometimes I use darks of different exposure time than my light frames so I escalate them with a coefficient that matches the equivalent exposure time. The escalation could be done with PixelMath prior to callibration, substracting the Master Bias, then multipliying by the scalation coefficient and then adding the Master Bias again, but it would be smarter to do it all automatically and to compatibilize it with the Master Dark optimization.
I shoot with a DSLR camera, so I'm curious to know how do you plan to overcome the problem of optimizing a bayerized Master Dark.


Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #16 on: 2010 March 23 17:03:31 »
Hi Sergi,

I think it would be useful to have the chance of escalating the Master Dark for callibration.

It is already implemented and as far as we've tested it is working really well. It is the "dark optimization" feature. In fact, dark optimization is enabled by default. From our experience, dark optimization is important when it comes to get the most out of the data during post processing, even in temperature controlled scenarios.

I shoot with a DSLR camera, so I'm curious to know how do you plan to overcome the problem of optimizing a bayerized Master Dark.

We have two possibilities:

- When the source image is a DSLR RAW image decoded through dcraw (which the standard DSLR RAW module is based on), the optimization routine already knows the Bayer pattern of the image, so it's a matter of fixing the black holes on each color plane.

- When the source image is a Bayer FITS image (OSC CCDs etc.), we have no (standard) way to know what the Bayer pattern is. For these cases I'll implement a heuristic method to detect the Bayer pattern automatically. Actually, the heuristics are rather simple: start looking for zero pixel samples at regular, repeating intervals: 1001001001 .... After a few rows and columns you know how the Bayer pattern looks like for sure.

The problem is how to fix the Bayer "holes" in a way that our multiscale noise estimation algorithm can work reliably. This is not very easy; I am still working out a solution. One possibility is to perform a super-pixel deBayering on the fly. The super pixel image would be used for noise evaluation and then discarded. As the super pixel method is fast and does not interpolate (except to average two green pixels, which I think isn't a problem here), it seems quite suitable. One key factor here is computational cost, as the dark optimization routine tends to be a bottleneck.
« Last Edit: 2010 March 23 17:23:05 by Juan Conejero »
Juan Conejero
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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of Image Calibration
« Reply #17 on: 2010 March 23 17:31:57 »
Hi Harry,

1) I will not need to debayer my flat or do I

No you won't. The ImageCalibration tool applies the flat correction pixel by pixel, so as far as the Bayer pattern is the same for all images, there should be no problem at all (divisions by zero flat pixels are detected and avoided).

2) Is the colour of the flat therefore irrelevant

ImageCalibration treats each color plane as an independent image. It is flexible enough to work with grayscale or RGB calibration frames, including flats. This means that you can use either a grayscale or a RGB master flat frame to calibrate a RGB image. So from ImageCalibration's perspective, it doesn't matter if it's irrelevant or relevant :)
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #18 on: 2010 March 23 17:37:01 »
Hi Max,

It would be nice when output of calibration can be linked to registration and integration in the process container.
Will we have the ability to do this starting with 1.60?

As long as you keep track of the output and input directories and images on each process, I see no problem to create a ProcessContainer to implement the whole task.

For this particular task however, a script would be much easier to maintain and adapt to your specific requirements. Such a script is extremely easy to write; I'll put some examples. It will be basically a matter of copying and pasting a few lines of code.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Cheyenne

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #19 on: 2010 March 23 18:43:59 »
I assume that the DSLR raw processing will allow for the production of master darks and flats as well..

A suggestion for FITs files that require debayer, simply have a setting that tells you what the pattern is.
Cheyenne Wills
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Offline mmirot

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #20 on: 2010 March 23 20:51:39 »

Great Juan.
A script would fine.
Perhaps you can add the option to not write the intermediate files.
I am not sure I need to fill up my hard drive with extra images.


Offline RobF2

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #21 on: 2010 April 06 04:27:51 »
Wow - I'm currently on my trial licence getting to know this beast.
Image calibration was a big concern for me, but wasn't likely to be a show stopper.  I was actually planning to try out PixelMath + ImageContainer sometime soon to see if that was workable.

I've only just found these threads relating to 1.6.0 - very reassuring to see so much effort going into the next version on very useful functions.  I can feel my wallet itching..... :)
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Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #22 on: 2010 April 06 05:58:06 »
Hi Rob,

Well, my experience with a FULL 'manual' calibration, alignment and pixel-rejecting stack procedure has been VERY encouraging. I am not using the world's most sophisticated CCD (Meade DSI-IIPro), and I am NOT imaging from a mountain-top in the middle of a desert (coastal NE Scotland !!), but I did end up with one of my 'cleanest' images ever - from only 30-odd sub-five-minute subs.

Even the 'manual' process is NOT that difficult - you just have to be 'organised', methodical, and meticulous in your attention to detail.

And, what you 'learn' from the discrete steps involved will make the subsequent transition to the 'automated' process much easier.

That said, I wouldn't be waiting for 1.6.0 to calibrate further data gathering sessions - I doubt whether I will EVER now turn to any other software to perform this task for me - they just are NOT as good (can't comment on Maxim or CCDStack - for the same reasons that I can't comment on driving a Lamborghini ::))


« Last Edit: 2010 April 07 11:21:24 by Niall Saunders »
Niall Saunders
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Offline vicent_peris

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #23 on: 2010 April 06 07:27:39 »
I always make my calibration manually. But one thing you cannot do manually is dark optimization (well... you can do that, but only for 1 - 2 images  >:D). This feature will be of great help, specially with cameras that have a weak refrigeration. I have found that dark optimization is a great improvement for cooled cameras with high temperatures (-10ºC CCD temp). Dark noise must be rescaled even for small temp oscillations (+-0.1ºC).


Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #24 on: 2010 April 06 09:40:38 »
Hi Vincent,

When I ran my 'manual' calibration procedure recently, I was dealing with DSI-IIPro images, from a NON-cooled imager. All I had to work with is the 'recorded' CCD temperature on an image-by-image basis (the Meade Envisage software records this in the FITS header of every image) - however, there is NO guarantee that the recorded temperature is not just the incidental temperature that was downloaded from the camera just as the exposure download was completed (in other words, the temperature is NOT 'averaged' for the duration of the exposure).

So, I usually expect to see a 'range' of temperatures in my imaging sessions - because I can't 'control' temperatures. What I do try to do thereafter, when it comes to calibration time, is to at least 'match' imaging temperatures during the calibration stage (i.e. Lights and Darks, or Flats and FlatDarks). But, even then, I only have a 0.5 degree C resolution on the DSI cameras.

However, when I started to use PixInsight for my calibration process, I realised that very careful control of the Winsorised 'clipping' parameter sliders meant that I could reliably combine data with temperature ranges as much as +/- 2.5C.

Obviously, this may NOT reflect what would happen with a significantly more sophisticated, TEC cooled (and temperature regulated) CCD - but ther very fact that closed-loop regulation of the CCD WOULD be possible is likely to mean that the 'Sigma Clipping' routines that I have been using could be applied with even LESS 'aggression', and would therefore be even NMORE effective.

For the record, I was aiming to 'clip' around 0.5% of total pixels from each of the upper and lower ranges, for a 'total clip' of only 1% of image data from each 30-subframe data group (be this Lights, Darks, Flats or FlatDarks) and, as I said, the end result was - to me - VERY impressive when compared with ALL previous calibration attempts, irrespective of siftware package being used.

So, I will be looking closely at the new Calibration routine(s) and will be seeing how to implement them (automagically) to most closely resemble the 'manual' method that I am currently working with.

Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
Aberdeen, UK

Altair Astro GSO 10" f/8 Ritchey Chrétien CF OTA on EQ8 mount with homebrew 3D Balance and Pier
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Offline vicent_peris

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #25 on: 2010 April 07 02:38:40 »
Today is (hopefully) the day.


Offline RobF2

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #26 on: 2010 April 07 02:46:01 »
 :)   :)   8)
FSQ106/8" Newt on NEQ6/HEQ5Pro via EQMOD | QHY9 | Guiding:  ZS80II/QHY5IIL | Canon 450D | DBK21 and other "stuff"
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Offline Harry page

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #27 on: 2010 April 07 03:01:11 »
Is it april fools day  >:D

No oh well it must be right then  ;D

Harry Page

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #28 on: 2010 April 07 04:45:00 »
And it comes with a new article.  :D


Offline georg.viehoever

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Re: PixInsight 1.6.0 - First screenshot of ImageCalibration
« Reply #29 on: 2010 April 07 04:55:55 »

I am waiting for this since months, and now you make the last 24 hours unbearable ...  ;) ...

Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)