Hola a todos:
Quiero compartir este stript: Substitute with Preview. El objetivo principal del Script es crear mascaras de estrellas con estrellas de diferente tamaño. Si en una imagen tenemos estrellas pequeñas y algunas grandes, si construimos una máscara para las estrellas pequeñas no suele protejer bien las grandes y viceversa.
En este ejemplo se puede ver mejor. He creado dos starmask la primera con un GROW de 0 y las segunda con un GROW de 2, después selecciono mediante previews en la máscara segunda, las estrellas que no estan protegidas con la primera máscara y ejecuto el script y obtengo una imagen final con los previews sustituidos.
Hello everyone,
I want to share this script: Substitute with Preview. The main purpose of this script is to create starmask with stars of different sizes. If an image has small stars and some big stars, if we build a mask for the small stars do not usually protect well the great ones and vice versa.
In this example you can see better. I have created two starmask the first with GROW 0 and the second one with GROW 2, then several previews have been selected in the second mask with the stars not properly protected by the first mask. When we run the script, we get a final image with the previews replaced.
See above image.
Saludos. Gretings. Silvercup
#include <pjsr/Sizer.jsh>
#include <pjsr/FrameStyle.jsh>
#include <pjsr/TextAlign.jsh>
#include <pjsr/StdButton.jsh>
#include <pjsr/StdIcon.jsh>
#include <pjsr/StdCursor.jsh>
#include <pjsr/UndoFlag.jsh>
#include <pjsr/SampleType.jsh>
#include <pjsr/ColorSpace.jsh>
#define VERSION "1.00"
#define TITLE "Substitute with Preview"
function SubstitutePreviewData()
this.sourceView = ImageWindow.activeWindow.mainView;
this.targetView = ImageWindow.activeWindow.mainView;
var data = new SubstitutePreviewData;
function SubstitutePreviewDialog()
this.__base__ = Dialog;
var labelWidth1 = 100;
this.helpLabel = new Label( this );
with ( this.helpLabel )
frameStyle = FrameStyle_Box;
margin = 4;
wordWrapping = true;
useRichText = true;
text = "<p><b>" + TITLE + " v" + VERSION + "</b> — A script for preview substitution.</p>";
this.sourceImage_Label = new Label( this );
with ( this.sourceImage_Label )
minWidth = labelWidth1 + 6+1; // align with labels inside group boxes below
text = "Source image:";
textAlignment = TextAlign_Right|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.sourceImage_ViewList = new ViewList( this );
with ( this.sourceImage_ViewList )
minWidth = 200;
getMainViews(); // include main views
currentView = data.sourceView;
toolTip = "Select the source image with preview.";
onViewSelected = function( view )
data.sourceView = view;
this.sourceImage_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
with ( this.sourceImage_Sizer )
spacing = 4;
add( this.sourceImage_Label );
add( this.sourceImage_ViewList, 100 );
this.targetImage_Label = new Label( this );
with ( this.targetImage_Label )
minWidth = labelWidth1 + 6+1; // align with labels inside group boxes below
text = "Target image:";
textAlignment = TextAlign_Right|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.targetImage_ViewList = new ViewList( this );
with ( this.targetImage_ViewList )
minWidth = 200;
getMainViews(); // include main views
currentView = data.targetView;
toolTip = "Select the target image to substitute with preview.";
onViewSelected = function( view )
data.targetView = view;
this.targetImage_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
with ( this.targetImage_Sizer )
spacing = 4;
add( this.targetImage_Label );
add( this.targetImage_ViewList, 100 );
this.ok_Button = new PushButton (this);
with ( this.ok_Button )
text = "OK";
// Do it
onClick = function() {
if ( data.sourceView.window.previews.length == 0 )
var msg = new MessageBox( "Source image has no previews. Select a source image with previews.",
"Substitute with Preview Script", StdIcon_Error, StdButton_Ok );
var finalView= new ImageWindow(data.targetView.image.width,
data.targetView.image.colorSpace != ColorSpace_Gray,
finalView.mainView.image.assign( data.targetView.image );
var previews = data.sourceView.window.previews;
for ( var i = 0; i < previews.length; ++i )
var fullViewpoints = data.sourceView.window.previewRect(previews[i]);
finalView.mainView.image.selectedPoint = new Point(fullViewpoints.x0,fullViewpoints.y0);
this.cancel_Button = new PushButton (this);
with ( this.cancel_Button )
text = "Cancel";
onClick = function() {
this.buttons_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
with ( this.buttons_Sizer )
spacing = 4;
add( this.cancel_Button );
add( this.ok_Button );
this.sizer = new VerticalSizer;
with ( this.sizer )
margin = 6;
spacing = 2;
add ( this.helpLabel );
addSpacing (4);
add( this.sourceImage_Sizer );
add( this.targetImage_Sizer );
addSpacing (4);
add ( this.buttons_Sizer );
SubstitutePreviewDialog.prototype = new Dialog;
function main()
if ( data.sourceView.isNull )
var msg = new MessageBox( "There is no active image window!",
"Substitute with Preview Script", StdIcon_Error, StdButton_Ok );
var dialog = new SubstitutePreviewDialog();