I have been trying to get the "Eskimo"
http://www.flickr.com/photos/daveh56/4415911850/The core is like crazy bright...its a star,but shows up as a blob.
I tried applying a small lum mask over the core....very clumsy.
So if I take some 15 second exposures,and some 60's...this can blend them..?
Any one else have any experience using this ?
PS Had a look at that site...
Jeez...thats just the kind of high tech stuff that gives me ulcers...!!
I guess my question is....a 2-3 minute shot gives me a good outer shell...and maybe 15 seconds for the core...
Would I shoot,calibrate,stack TWO sets of exposures...and feed the final products (2) into this infernel machine...?
Or do I need a whole series of 120/90/60/30 etc files..??
I would have to do this with a RGG and then a seperate Lum..?
Sounds a lot.
Anyone else deal with a situation like mine differently..??