Author Topic: Glossary of Terms  (Read 4469 times)

Offline sreilly

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Glossary of Terms
« on: 2010 February 26 15:56:56 »
I guess this will seem strange for those who are fluent in PI but for me getting my head around the terms used is a bit different. Is there a list that can be printed out that list the different functions and a brief explaination of what they do? Another point I am not sure about is at what stag does the data to be processed need to be? As an example, I use MaxIm along with ACP for image automation. Using MaxIm the data is collected. Usually at that point I will calibrate using my master dark frames and master sky flats frames and the results saved under a sub-folder as calibrated. At this point I normally will use CCDInspector to check the quality of the data by using the FWHM measurment and cull those above my cut off FWHM, usually anything above 2.5". Then I would save those in another sub-folder as usable and use Registar to register the usable images. Usually I then combine them using either Sigma Reject or Median combine in MaxIm and save that result under a sub-folder of Masters. Gets pretty nested but lest me know at what stage the data is in.

So far I've seen Harry's videos that show the beginners procedures. Thanks Harry, a big help. But at whot point is the data ready for PI? Just after calibrating and culling? From looking at the videos, I think that what PI offers me is a better control over getting the hidden details and the background extraction is sweet. But then again, I'm just really starting to get into the "lets see what I can do" stage.

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Offline Nocturnal

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Re: Glossary of Terms
« Reply #1 on: 2010 February 26 16:45:04 »
Hi Steve,

I'm a little confused, you start by asking about a glossary but then what you really want to know if how/when to use PI, right? As for the glossary, please list the items you want defined. That'll be a start. Someone can stick 'em on the wiki.

Process wise you can use PI for everything right after image acquisition. I typically stack with DeepSkyStacker and load the stack (linear 32b float image) into PI for all subsequent processing up to publishing. That is done by having PI create a 16b TIFF file which I load into PaintShopPro to add a label and convert to jpg.

If you subscribe to AstroPhotoInsight you can read my 3 part sequence that describes a possible flow to getting from a linear image to a fully stretched, publishable picture.

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Offline sreilly

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Re: Glossary of Terms
« Reply #2 on: 2010 February 26 17:29:24 »
So in my case, after getting the raw data and calibrating it? Or are you saying that darks and flats can be used in PI. Sorry to be so dense here.
OGS 12.5" RC
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Offline Nocturnal

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Re: Glossary of Terms
« Reply #3 on: 2010 February 26 18:14:10 »
Strictly speaking you can do all calibration in PI with PixelMath but I don't recommend that. If you have a set of calibrated (dark subtracted, flattened etc) subs then you can align and stack those with the StarAlignment and ImagineIntegration modules. I have not done so myself as I use DSS so I can't help you with that, sorry. I'm sure a search on this forum for those modules will give you material to review though.

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Offline mmirot

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Re: Glossary of Terms
« Reply #4 on: 2010 February 26 19:01:22 »
I either calibrate my data in MaxIM DL or using MaxIM DLs stack to produce the color channels. The registration and integration ( stacking) is very well done by PI. It often produces a better result than MaxIM Dls stack process. However, it is not not automated like stack in MaxIM or DSS. I am hoping this changes shortly will the release of 1.6. It should contain a calibration module.


Offline sreilly

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Re: Glossary of Terms
« Reply #5 on: 2010 February 26 19:13:40 »
So it looks like maybe I'll try my data after calibrating and culling the usable data. Registration looks pretty straight forward in PI. I did print out the AstroPhoto PI article and will look it over.

« Last Edit: 2010 February 26 19:20:25 by sreilly »
OGS 12.5" RC
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Offline Jack Harvey

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Re: Glossary of Terms
« Reply #6 on: 2010 February 27 06:21:16 »
Image Integration also does a great job.  For combining your calibrated and aligned frames select all the frames from a single filter and Add them to the Input Images.  Integration settings to try are Average, Additive + Scaling and weighted by Noise.  Use default checkboxes.  In Pixel Rejection use WIndsorized and Scale and zero offset and again default checkboxes.  Should not need anything in Rejection(2) or Region of Interest.  Once you get these frames (along with the rejection frames that you do not need) you can put these masters into LRGB Combine.
Jack Harvey, PTeam Member
Team Leader, SSRO/PROMPT Imaging Team, CTIO

Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: Glossary of Terms
« Reply #7 on: 2010 February 27 08:06:02 »
In a couple of weeks, once Juan gets v1.6.0 rolled out, then the WHOLE calibration process will be aceivable 'inside' PixInsight.

I am already using nothing but PI for calibrating my images and, despite the many 'manual' steps involved, the results are well worth the effort, far exceeding the quality of calibration and integration that I have acieved by any other means.

I would therefore say that, eventually, PI will be able to simply take the data acquired by other means, and will provide all the subsequent steps and stages needed to generate a complete image.

Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
Aberdeen, UK

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