I keep an eye on the CCD Newastro Yahoo Group - where Ron Wodaski holds court. Obviously Ron 'grew up' with PhotoShop, and has been a leading light in developing astroimage processing methods that have relied on PS.
I do my best to make folks 'aware' of PI, without shoving it down their throats, but it is not easy to 'bring them over from the dark side'
I do see the difficulties myself - I have been a Corel Graphics user since I don't know when (decades ago
), and I found it very 'uncomfortable' when I tried to 'move' to PS.
In fact, it was the very fact that the Pix LE environment WAS so utterly different that I was able to 'start all over again', with NO pre-conceived ideas about how the software 'should' work.
I even tried to adapt many of Ron's excellent methods (from ALL of his books that I had purchased by then), and gradually realised that there were 'other' ways to achieve the same thing - using the rapidly expanding power of PI.
Recently, this winter, I even found myself using PI to 'tweak' a couple of nice 'winter scenes', rather than trying to use Corel Paint - and the results were very nice, thank-you very much
Sander is definitely a 'flag bearer' for PI at the moment - I really look forward to one of the 'well-kent' faces of Astro-Imaging taking a deep breath, and making the move.
Perhaps Juan just has to be 'blunt' - and send a few of them a full commercial license