When using, for example Winsorized Sigma Clipping, I wonder whether it would be more convenient to be able to set a slider such that a 'desired number' or 'desired percentage' of pixels eventually end up in the High/Low clip images.
It is not necessarily intuitive to decide 'where' to set the Sigma sliders to.
Sure, I was able to tweak the 'High Sigma' slider the other day, such that I totally eliminated a whole bunch of cosmic ray strikes from my integrated master dark - and these strikes were totally invisible in the source darks, and were also invisible when Sigma High was set too low.
Would it not be possible to set a desired 'amount in the dustbin' level, and to then have PixInsight (iteratively) work out the required Sigma multiplier needed to achieve this?
Can you give us a brief explanation of what the ADU values observed in the Clipping Images actually represent?
I felt, last night, that these were not just simply '0.000' or '1.000', where '1' represented a pixel that 'had been' clipped, from 'at least' one of the source images.
Does the ADU value represent a 'counter', for example, which increments for every image in the dataset that had that particular pixel fall into the 'outlier' category, and thus required to be 'clipped'?