Author Topic: Minor Error Reported during ACDNR  (Read 6019 times)

Offline andyschlei

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Minor Error Reported during ACDNR
« on: 2007 February 11 17:38:03 »
Running ACDNR on a preview image on a Core-duo processor, I occasionally get the error:

Code: [Select]
Deallocate(): Low-level API function erroe
API error code = 10:
Invalid deallocation

It stops the process, which generally runs OK the next time I run it.  Not a major issue, obviously, but I thought you might want to look a it.
Observatorio de la Ballona
CDK 12.5, NP-101, C-11
AP-1200, AP-900
ST-10 XME, CFW-8, Astrodon v2 filters
Pyxis Rotator, TCF Focuser