Author Topic: Commercial PixInsight licenses per countries  (Read 13561 times)

Offline ManoloL

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Re: Commercial PixInsight licenses per countries
« Reply #15 on: 2009 December 19 02:20:21 »
Si, no puede ser solo 1 argentino... así como tampoco 1 chileno... sé que hay por lo menos 2 :P
El problema aquí es que somos muy pocos los aficionados, principalmente por lo caro que es (no PI, todo el hobby). Así que no es de extrañar que PI se venda poco, pese al uso que ha tenido la versión LE. Además, en estas latitudes no es muy acostumbrado el comprar software...

Hola Carlos:
Lo de Chile cuadra: 0,56%=2. Tu y el otro  ;)
Lo de la costumbre de no comprar software no solo ocurre por esas latitudes australes.......
Hace poco cuando me publicaron  Andromeda como imagen del mes en la revista Astronomía de España y en mi intercambio de notas con la revista yo hacía hincapié  en lo de "íntegramente procesada con PixInsight comercial", una vez calibrada y apilada con DSS, y les comentaba los problemas que podrían tener con algunas imágenes declaradas como procesadas con Photoshop, si alguna vez Adobe empezara a investigar con que licencia se han procesado esas imágenes.
Una gran parte de culpa de la poca venta de licencias de vuestro programa lo tiene la facilidad con que se piratea Photoshop. Un fotógrafo profesional, que conozco, me comentaba  que Adobe se conformaba con que tengan solo licencia aquellos fotógrafos con comercio abierto. Estos son mucho mas fáciles de controlar y suficientes, al precio que tiene esa licencia, para hacer un buen negocio.
Por otro lado yo creo que hay que ir mostrando a los usuarios de Pixi LE las grandes ventajas que tiene la versión comercial sobre ella. Por ejemplo la facilidad con que se pueden hacer mosaicos con las últimas innovaciones es algo que puede tentar bastante a un aficionado a la Astrofotografia de cualquier continente.


Manolo L.

Offline Carlos Milovic

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Re: Commercial PixInsight licenses per countries
« Reply #16 on: 2009 December 31 12:20:48 »
Chile es CL, no CH (China) :)

Carlos Milovic F.
PixInsight Project Developer

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Re: Commercial PixInsight licenses per countries
« Reply #17 on: 2010 April 08 19:49:28 »
Actually China is CN. CH is Switzerland.

”My punctuality is well known. When The Revolution takes place, I'll be late, and I'll be shot as a traitor.”

Offline h0ughy

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Re: Commercial PixInsight licenses per countries
« Reply #18 on: 2010 April 12 17:05:11 »
Well I know there is another AUSTRALIAN who has just recently purchased Pixinsight – he was impressed enough with my tomfoolery to take the plunge  - so what are the figures now?
Doghouse Observatory

Offline h0ughy

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Re: Commercial PixInsight licenses per countries
« Reply #19 on: 2010 April 14 05:32:35 »
OK  - i wish to point out here that my mate (Alan Meehan) bought and paid for Pixinsight 4 days ago, he received the acknowledgement email for payment but has yet to receive the username and logon licence details.  Anyone know what has happened with that process.  Not good for advertising the product as he is now unsure as to what is happening?
Doghouse Observatory

Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: Commercial PixInsight licenses per countries
« Reply #20 on: 2010 April 14 09:23:09 »
Just give Juan a chance to get back from his holidays :D

Remember, Plaides SA is NOT some global corporation - it is ONE man, doing ALL of the jobs of that corporation ::)

I am sure that Juan will be looking at ways of avoiding these 'hold-ups' - but the decision will not be easy, and the system may yet have to remain 'as is'.

I know it isn't 'easy' for you mate Alan - but, hopefully, this slight delay will be worthwhile in the long run.

Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
Aberdeen, UK

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Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Commercial PixInsight licenses per countries
« Reply #21 on: 2010 April 14 10:29:06 »
Hi h0ughy,

We have sent five duplicates of Alan's license instructions email; three from our corporate email accounts and two from an emergency Gmail account. What happens is that Alan's email is, and all of our messages are systematically rejected. This has been happening for some time, but the different thing is that now Yahoo is also rejecting our Gmail messages. Oh well...

If you could ask Alan to please provide us with a different (not Yahoo) email address, you would save me the task of sending him his license instructions via ordinary mail.

We definitely have a serious problem with Yahoo. I'm going to include a note on the purchase page; there is already one on the trial license request page.

Thanks, and I really apologize for the inconvenience.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline h0ughy

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Re: Commercial PixInsight licenses per countries
« Reply #22 on: 2010 April 14 13:28:33 »
Hi h0ughy,

We have sent five duplicates of Alan's license instructions email; three from our corporate email accounts and two from an emergency Gmail account. What happens is that Alan's email is, and all of our messages are systematically rejected. This has been happening for some time, but the different thing is that now Yahoo is also rejecting our Gmail messages. Oh well...

If you could ask Alan to please provide us with a different (not Yahoo) email address, you would save me the task of sending him his license instructions via ordinary mail.

We definitely have a serious problem with Yahoo. I'm going to include a note on the purchase page; there is already one on the trial license request page.

Thanks, and I really apologize for the inconvenience.

thanks i will be forwarding this information to him - and enjoy your holidays.  Al doesnt have any other email account that he can use but i will get back to you
Doghouse Observatory