Hi all,
A new version of the standard StarGenerator module is now available to all our users. The new version fixes a bug that was preventing users from entering negative declinations in the range ]-1,0[ on the StarGenerator interface. See this post for more information:
http://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?topic=1584.msg8715Download FilesDownload the appropriate module(s) for your platform(s) by right-clicking on the links below and selecting "save file as" or "save link as":
Linux/X11 32-bit*
Linux/X11 64-bit*
Mac OS X 32-bit*
Windows 32-bit*
Windows 64-bitInstallation InstructionsAll Platforms- If you have PixInsight running, exit all running instances.
- Uncompress the module installation archive (Windows and Mac: a .zip file; Linux: a .tar.gz file).
- Now you have the module file:
StarGenerator-pxm.<suffix>, where
<suffix> is:
.so for Linux;
.dylib for Mac OS X;
.dll for Windows.
Linux/X11- Copy the
StarGenerator-pxm.so file to your bin installation directory. Assuming you've installed PixInsight under your home directory, the bin directory should be something like $HOME/PixInsight/bin
Mac OS X- Open your Applications folder with Finder.
- Right-click the PixInsight.app application bundle.
- Select "Show Package Contents" from the context menu.
- A new Finder window opens. Select the Contents/MacOS folder.
- Copy the
StarGenerator-pxm.dylib file to the Contents/MacOS folder.
Alternatively, if you don't mind using the terminal, the following single command does the trick:
cp StarGenerator-pxm.dylib /Applications/PixInsight.app/Contents/MacOS
Windows- Copy the
StarGenerator-pxm.dll file to your bin installation folder. Assuming you've installed PixInsight on the default location, the bin folder is: C:\PCL\bin for 32-bit versions; C:\PCL64\bin for 64-bit versions.
I hope you'll like it. Enjoy!