My friend made new SW for calibration of pictures (Dark frames, Flat fields). SW is very easy and maybe is possible integrate to PixinSight? Now it works with CR2 files only (tested Canon 20D, 40D, 50D).
You can test it form there : - for Windows - for Linux
Usage :
mraw files [-d files] [-f files] [processing options] [output options]
files : one or more names of files to be processed
-d files : one or more dark frame file names
-f files : one or more flat field file names
Processing Options :
-b : Image border detection instead of spec. from file
-c level : Contrast level (RGB output only)
-e : Extract embedded JPEG preview images
-g level : Gamma correction level (RGB output only, default 2.22)
-h : Half size output, no interpolation (RGB output only)
-i : Input file information printout, no processing
-l type : Color levels proc. type 0,1,2 or 3 (RGB output, def. 1)
-n value : Noise level value used for dark frame (integer, def. 1)
-p value : Maximum precision of RAW output (bits per pixel)
-v : Verbose output, more -v options : more detailed
Output Options :
-j[c] [name] : JPEG RGB output specification (compression level)
-m [name] : Monochromatic TIFF (uncompressed RAW) output spec.
-o [name] : RAW output specification (default)
-t [name] : 16bit TIFF RGB output specification
Examples :
mraw test*.CR2 -t : all files CR2 transfers to TIFF files
mraw test*.CR2 -d dark*.CR2 -f flat*.CR2 : all dark frames and flat fields averages (makes MasterDark and MasterFlat) and apply to all CR2 flles and makes TIFF files.