Hi Sander.
sorry, to date the deringing algorithms are not documented. I MUST write an article about them.
The purpose of outputting the deringing maps is to apply them manually. They are WAY MORE powerful if you apply them through PixelMath.
The deringing maps are applied by substracting them to the HDRW processed image. So you are correcting the Gibbs effect where the the deringing map is darker.
To output the deringing map:
- Put the right parameters of the HDRW algorithm.
- Activate the deringing checkbox.
- In case of making a small-scale deringing, put it at 1.0.
- In case of making large-scale deringing, put the small-scale deringing at 0 and put the large-scale one at 1.0. This is because the large-scale deringing is calculated after small-scale deringing is done. Anyway, you can put the right amount of small-scale deringing, and the put the large-scale amount at 1.0.
- Activate the Output deringing maps checkbox.
The resulting image will be always ugly because you are applying the deringing algorithms with an amount of 1. What we will do then is to modify the deringing maps, then apply the HDRW algorithm WITHOUT any deringing, and then apply the deringing maps through PixelMath:
HDWR_image - Deringing_map*K
where K is an amount you choose; generally this amount will not have the same value as the amount you put in the HDRW tool.
One note: sometimes the deringing map can have negative values, so visualization is very ugly. Just go the the IntensityTransformations category in the Process Explorer and use the Rescale module to rescale the values between [0,1].
Once you have a separate deringing map, you can modify it at your taste. It's very powerful to make curves or midtones adjustments to further isolate the ringed structures.
I will upload some examples in a couple hours.