Well...I am getting there...
In pixel math,is it
That does not seem to work... sure about the brackets,comma?
Should I have TWO registered images...or just the one?
sorry to be a dolt...
It's avg, not ave
With the alignment process you will have your reference image and the output from the dynamicalignment.
Start with two images, i1 and i2.
Run dynamicalignment, point to i1 and i2, do the alignment. You will have one new image, i2_registered.
Combine i1 and i2_registered,
Crop the image because around the edges there will be areas that are from only one image.
If you have a bunch of images to align (registration) and combine (integration) you might want to look at the StarAlignment and Integration processes that can handle a batch of files. Again same concept, you will have one image that will be the reference and all the others will be aligned to that reference image.