I guess I see the problem, however, I am not sure why this is happening now vs. before, since it seems like an OS-level (gatekeeper related) problem. however some people are reporting that it still works on -4 so perhaps it's some nuance of how -5 makes system calls to load modules.
like others, PI won't find the module on search under -5. so what I did was just add the module to the PixInsight.plist, which forces PI to try to load the module at startup time. I get this error:
Cannot load library /Applications/PixInsight/bin/StarNet-pxm.dylib: (dlopen(/Applications/PixInsight/bin/StarNet-pxm.dylib, 6): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Applications/PixInsight/bin/StarNet-pxm.dylib: code signature in (/Applications/PixInsight/bin/StarNet-pxm.dylib) not valid for use in process using Library Validation: mapped file has no cdhash, completely unsigned? Code has to be at least ad-hoc signed.): Module load error
which is a little weird because I thought this had been ad-hoc signed but maybe not. so maybe if I rebuild it (or just do an ad-hoc signing of the dylib, if that is separately possible) we'll be good. anyway I have to do some research.