Author Topic: First Narrow band image: M42 SHO  (Read 13863 times)

Offline tomb18

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First Narrow band image: M42 SHO
« on: 2020 February 26 18:08:33 »
Well, between the clouds, moon, stuck filter wheel, software crashes and so on, I managed to get my first narrow band image.

Camera SBIG STL 11000M
Telescope Tak FSQ106ED
Mount AP 600e
Location Montreal, Quebec Bortle 8 skys.

Exposure was:
Ha, 6x20 minutes + 15x 1 minute
S2 6x30 minutes + 15x 1 minute
O3 6x30 minutes + 15 x 1 minute.

It turned out pretty well.  Had no issues with PixInsight.

Thanks for looking, Tom