Author Topic: Generate bin2 (rgb or mono) from a pixinsight process/script  (Read 2150 times)

Offline gagaboul

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Is it possible to use one of the available processes or script in Pixinsight to generate a synthetic bin2+ from bayered subs ?
I can use PIPP to do that but it is limited to grayscale (adjacent pixel combined to a luminance) and would like to use Pixinsight interface alltogether.

Otherwise, I could try to create my first script  O:) ..if that's the case, could I have some pointers to do it. I'm a profesional programmer and know Javascript very well or C++.

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Re: Generate bin2 (rgb or mono) from a pixinsight process/script
« Reply #1 on: 2020 February 20 08:34:57 »
do you want to produce 4 greyscale images, R G G and B? or the integration of those 4 greyscale images?


Offline gagaboul

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Re: Generate bin2 (rgb or mono) from a pixinsight process/script
« Reply #2 on: 2020 February 24 14:57:49 »
I want to take a sub that has not been debayered (a grayscale image with a bayer pattern) and apply a bin2 that will add adjacent pixels of the same color to combine brightness between colors, so that it does not turn into a luminance grayscale.

Offline Cosmick

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Re: Generate bin2 (rgb or mono) from a pixinsight process/script
« Reply #3 on: 2020 February 25 00:37:52 »
I want to take a sub that has not been debayered (a grayscale image with a bayer pattern) and apply a bin2 that will add adjacent pixels of the same color to combine brightness between colors, so that it does not turn into a luminance grayscale.

Under Process > ColourSpaces (or All Processes) > SplitCFA

This will give you 1 x red, 2 x green and 1 x blue channel half the resolution of the original CFA image. Which colours the channels correspond to is dependent on the bayer pattern of your camera. 
« Last Edit: 2020 February 25 04:26:15 by Cosmick »
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